Dr. 玛丽亚Javaid

Dr. 玛丽亚Javaid
Associate Professor
Electronics and Computer Engineering 技术, 部门 of
Bailey College of Engineering and 技术
技术 Center


  • Ph.D. ——电 & Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago - 2014

Awards and Honors

  • TA Peer Facilitator - 2014
  • Chancellor’s Student 服务 and Leadership Award(CSSLA) - 2014

Intellectual Contributions

  • Communication through Haptics During Human Collaborative Manipulation - 国际 Journal of Humanoid Robotics - 2018
  • ToothPIC: Tooth Placement and Identification Coach, an Interactive Application for Teaching Oral Anatomy - IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies - 2015
  • Video Explanations of Solutions for Improved Student Performance - IEEE Global Engineering 教育 Conference (EDUCON) - 2020
  • Incorporating Project Based Learning in Introductory Electronics Course - American Society of Engineering 教育 Southeastern Annual Conference - 2019
  • Please Explain Solution: How Incorporating Video Responses Improved Student Performance in a Circuit Analysis Course - American Society of Engineering 教育 Annual Conference - 2019

Professional 服务

  • 角色:评论家, Conference Paper - American Society of Engineering 教育(ASEE) 2019
  • 角色:评论家, Conference Paper - National Conference on 本科 Research (NCUR) 2016
  • 角色:评论家, Conference Paper - IEEE 国际 Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) 2017 - 2018
  • 角色:评论家, Conference Paper - IEEE-RAS 国际 Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids) 2018 - 2018